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Ensuring Regulatory Compliance and Boosting Cybersecurity for Syqe Medical

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance and Boosting Cybersecurity for Syqe Medical


Syqe, based in Tel Aviv, is at the forefront of medical innovation, with the world’s first regulatory-approved medical inhaler preloaded with a controlled substance. With a mission to deliver the most effective medicine adhering to pharmaceutical standards, Syqe’s robust inhalation system targets a broad spectrum of drugs, prioritizing cannabis as the inaugural candidate. The stakes were raised significantly when global giant Philip Morris acquired Syqe Medical.

Balancing Innovation with Compliance:

Syqe, operating as a medical device provider, faced stringent compliance requirements with regulations such as HIPAA and the FDA—their unique offering of an inhaler with cannabis added layers of complexity. Collaborating with patients, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers meant the imperative to shield everyone’s privacy was paramount. The acquisition by Philip Morris further spotlighted Syqe, opening the gates for potential cyberattacks, given its origins in Israel.

Tailored Defense with Proactive Monitoring:

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Syqe turned to Cybecs for a comprehensive cybersecurity solution. Cybecs recommended its CISOaaS solution tailored for regulatory compliance and vulnerability assessment.

Anticipating Threats, Ensuring Integrity:

Cybecs conducted thorough Penetration Testing to preemptively identify vulnerabilities, particularly those that could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive medical records. The potential repercussions of a hacker altering prescription dosages from nearby proximity was also a significant concern, which was addressed.

Cybecs’ Red forecasting was another key strategy. It identifies potential threats by monitoring discussions about imminent attacks. This allowed Syqe to receive real-time alerts about compromised endpoints or targeted users, enabling proactive defenses.

Reinforced Trust, Unwavering Excellence:

Thanks to Cybecs’ multifaceted approach, Syqe fortified its defenses, safeguarding sensitive medical data, ensuring device integrity, and meeting regulatory compliance standards. By doing so, the trust and privacy of its broad user base, ranging from patients to healthcare professionals, remained intact.


The importance of robust cybersecurity in the medical technology industry cannot be overstated. Syqe Medical’s partnership with Cybecs highlights the crucial role of proactive security measures in enabling innovation to thrive without the risk of potential threats.

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